Interior and Exterior Window Cleaning
For your window cleaning near me, here are the questions we’re going to answer for you.
First, let’s get our pricing out the way. After all, that’s usually the first question people have, right?
Our process from start to finish.
- Your initial call – we try to answer every call. Or return calls same day
- Quoting – a majority of the time, we can quote over the phone. If needed, we are happy to take a look in person
- Approval – if you need time to think about it, just give us call when you are ready to move forward
- Scheduling your job – Either over the phone or by text, we will find a time and date that works. On a case by case basis, we may be able to work outside normal business hours and weekends.
- The work itself and what we ask to get the job done right
- Warranties,
- Future follow up/communication.

Window Cleaning Pricing
Here is how we price your window cleaning job. If you need more help, we can stop by at no charge to get you figures.
We charge per “PANE”. An example of what we mean per pane. Let’s take a slider window, one side is fixed, the other side moves left right, we count that as TWO PANES. Basically, it is each piece of glass with framing around it.
A double hung with that moves up/down is also considered TWO PANES.
The other styles are casement windows (crank in/out) and picture windows (solid glass that doesn’t move) are both considered ONE PANE
When the window is broken into small sections (french panes), our pricing is different. In this case, we usually will need to take a look in person.

For interior and exterior cleaning, we ask $10.00 per pane. This service includes dusting your screens, the tracks, and sills.
For exteriors only, we ask $6.00 per pane. This does NOT include the dustings.
As mentioned before, french panes, the pricing varies, thus, we will need to take a look in person. If you only have french panes in your patio doors, then your are typically looking at $18-$22 for in and out or $10-$15 for the entire door.
Let’s count the number of panes on the picture to your left. There are 5 picture windows on the upper levels count as 5 panes. The 4 double windows count as 8 panes
For this example, interior and exterior, $10 x 13 panes = $130 (Includes dusting screens, tracks, and sills). For exteriors only, $6 x 13 panes = $78.
There is one caveat, we do have a $150 minimum. The example is to give you an idea how we count panes. It’s very rare that we ever have to worry about meeting the minimum fees. Think about this, it’s only 16 panes or 8 windows (with two panes each)
Commercial Window Cleaning Pricing
Sorry to side step this question. There are many variables when it comes to pricing. For example, window sizes, how many levels, moving things to get access to the glass, frequency, minimums, etc. For commercial quotes, we prefer to take a look in person to get you an accurate number. Just give us a call to schedule a time 303-810-6923
Additional Improvements
Premium Screen Cleaning. We remove your screens; take them outside. Then we run them through our screen cleaning machine. It does a great job getting deeper into the fibers. For this service, we only ask $4 per screen. So, if you have allergies or just want your screens as clean as possible, you probable want to invest in this service
Deep track cleaning.
Remember we dust the tracks. Typically, we are going to remove 95+%. Most folks are happy with this result. Then there is another level when desired. The aftermath of the past fires, we usually needed to do the deep clean.
We are going to remove sashes, pull apart the tracks, then clean under the tracks, and the tracks them selves, It might be difficult to tell. The actual track is removed from the frame. This is how we get access to the hidden gunk that you can’t even see.
Unfortunately, this takes quite awhile, so, we are forced to ask $10 for this service.
How long does it take and do you have to be there?
A good start is 20-30 panes per hour per side. Let’s say you have 40 panes, if the windows are in decent shape (for example, not paint mist/overspray), we should be able to get both sides done in 3-4hours. Exteriors only, 1hr 1/2 to 2hrs.
Do you have to be there? Yes and no. If we are going to clean your interiors, we’ll need you to be there to gain access to the interior windows. We start with the interiors, that way can you leave if you have other obligations
Prior To Arrival
Here are a few things to help us make sure your experience goes smoothly
Interior and Exterior Cleaning
Please remove any breakables and furniture away from you windows and sills. We can help move large furniture when needed
When we are doing in/out, we remove your screens if they have not been removed
Let us know if there are any particular issues that are of higher concern.
Exteriors Only
The biggest thing we request is to have your screens removed, so, we have access to the glass. All screens are designed to be taken out from the inside. While we can get 50% of them from the outside, we just want to make sure we can get your window job done, Again, this is something else we where we can help
Are you a do it yourselfer? Here is some of the equipment we use.
The number one question we are asked is, “What detergent do we use to clean windows?” You can go to all those home improvement sites and see all there special concoction.
Here is what th e pros use. Even those companies that try to sell you there special
Dawn Dish Washing Liquid! It might be the greatest cleaner known to man…and ducks too
Blue Huck Surgical Towels for the edges and touch-ups. They are easy to find. Click on the picture.
Obviously, there are numerous options. A popular one that you will see all over the internet, your friends, maybe even a window cleaning pro, are microfiber towels. While than can be very handy, we’ve found a couple things that move us away form using them. Number one, it is not uncommon for them to leave lint behind. Another is when cleaning hot, in the sun windows, they can start to stick to the glass. The last thing we’ve found they do not absorb water very well. So, trying to wipe the edges, becomes a pain.
Are we perfect...of course we are. But, there is always a chance you might disagree...then what?
So, if we missed something, let us know…even if it’s a couple days later when the sun hits it from another angle. We are typically back within 48hrs to correct anything missed. All of our competitors say the same thing. They guarantee the job or your money back. We have the same policy. That being said, we’ve found our fantastic customers are more interested in getting any mistakes corrected as soon as possible, do we have this wrong?
Due to our busy schedule, it is best to call to have your questions answered or to schedule your cleaning